Small Talk - Interactive Practice
Kliknij na "Odtwórz całość" i posłuchaj dialogu. Kiedy cała rozmowa stanie się dla ciebie zrozumiała, przyjmij rolę Osoby A, klikając na przycisk Osoba A. Plik audio odtworzy tylko tekst osoby B. Nastąpi chwila przerwy, podczas której powtórz zdania Osoby A. To samo zrób z Osobą B. Rozmowa jest prowadzona w naturalnym tempie. Skorzystaj z przycisku pauza, jeśli przerwa pomiędzy zdaniami jest dla ciebie za krótka. Po kilkukrotnym przećwiczeniu będziesz mówić tak szybko jak native speaker.
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Hey Paul. What are you doing here?" B: "How's it going? I'm meeting up with a friend here." A: "How have you been man?" B: "Not too bad. I'm still in school and having a little fun." A: "How are you enjoying Mr. Lee's history class?" B: "It's so boring." A: "Tell me about it. If it wasn't a requirement, I wouldn't have taken it." B: "How about you? What have you been up to?" A: "I finished school last spring. I'm searching for a job now, but I'm slacking off." B: "I heard the job market is not that hot right now." A: "I could always take a low end job, but I'm not that desperate yet." B: "Well, good luck to you." A: "Thanks. It was good seeing you again." B: "Yeah. I'll catch you later." A: "Have a good night."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "You're John right?" B: "Yes. Oh, you're in my English class right?" A: "Yeah. I'm Martha." B: "Well it's good to finally meet you." A: "How are you enjoying the class?" B: "I'm not sure. Some days it seems ok, but other days I am totally bored in class." A: "I know what you mean. Do you know what is wrong with the weather these days? I haven't seen the sun in 2 weeks." B: "The weather has been pretty terrible recently." A: "I'm really hoping the weather gets better." B: "Do you have something coming up?" A: "To tell you the truth, it's just depressing seeing so much rain." B: "I don't blame you. It has been pretty gloomy for some time now." A: "This is my stop. I'll see you later." B: "I'll see you in class. Bye."
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