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Basic Listening Lesson #04
Krok 1:
Posłuchaj dialogu
Zobacz pytania dopiero po wysłuchaniu pliku audio. Przeczytanie pytań najpierw nie pomoże ci poprawić umiejętności słuchania.
Krok 2:
Quiz - zobacz pytania
1. What movies was first suggested?
Rocky V
Last man standing
Legally Blonde
2. Why did they not accept the first suggested movie?
He already seen it
He doesn't like that type of movie
He needs to watch it with his girlfriend
He doesn't like horror movies
3. What type of movie did they end up choosing?
A scary movie
An action packed movie
An exciting movie
A dramatic movie
4. When are they going to see the movie?
On the weekend after lunch
Next week after the final exams
On Friday after class
Tomorrow after class
Zobacz odpowiedzi
1. Legally Blonde
2. He needs to watch it with his girlfriend
3. A scary movie
4. Tomorrow after class
Jeśli nie jesteś pewien odpowiedzi na pytania, wysłuchaj pliku audio jeszcze raz po przeczytaniu pytań. Po dokonaniu wszystkich wyborów, możesz obejrzeć odpowiedzi, aby zobaczyć, jak ci poszło.
Krok 3:
Pokaż dialog.
A: "Hey, you wanna see a movie tomorrow?"
B: "Sounds like a good plan. What do you want to see?"
A: "How about Legally Blonde."
B: "Ah, my girlfriend wanted to see that movie. I have to take her later so I don't want to watch it ahead of time. How about The Cube?"
A: "Isn't that a scary movie?"
B: "How scary can it be? Come on, it'll be fun."
A: "Ok. I'll give it a try."
B: "That's the spirit. I'll see you tomorrow after class."
A: "Ok. See you tomorrow."
Powinieneś przeczytać dialog, żeby pomóc sobie w nauce po przejściu przez lekcje słuchania. Nie oglądaj dialogu przed wysłuchaniem nagrania ani przed odpowiedziami na pytania.
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